Friday, April 13, 2012

Star Police Chief Speaks at Meeting

At the Lions club meeting this evening, we got to hear from Star Police Chief John Laraway.  John lives in Kuna and was police chief there a few years ago.  He likes the small town atmosphere of Star.  He told us that most calls in the community were domestic disputes.  He expects an increase in juvenile crimes of vandalism or thefts when school is out and kids have nothing to do.

The club received a presidential membership award for increasing membership in 2010-2011 by more than 10 members.  Mini was presented with the pin since she sponsored the most new members last year.

Upcoming events announced at the meeting:

April 14-Kuna Charter Party
April 15-Brick purchase deadline
April 19-Wine with the Lions
April 21-Planting trees in Idaho City
April 21-Boise Vista and Special Olympics Charter Parties
April 28-Litter pick-up

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